Rixos Sungate e еден посебен феномен на невобичаен одмор. Прекрасна местоположба покрај километриска плажа во Кемер, планинските врвови како круна и густината од зеленило е вистинската слика за името Sungate. На една површина од 250.000 м2 каде овој ресорт е изграден секојдневно има по нешто за разоткривање и истражување. Десетици базени, 11 тобогани, многу барови и ресторани, разновидната храна ,пијалоци и забава се безбројните задоволства од Ultra All Inclusive пакетот. На вас Ви преостанува да го почуствувате максимумот во овој прекрасен ресорт каде забавата никогаш не завршува.
Таков голем и активен ресорт има на располагање 15 ресторани и 11 кафе барови. Со киосци за брза храна покрај базените, пецива, пити, хамбургери, сендвичи, сладоледи и слатки ќе бидете изненадени речиси секој час во текот на денот. Во тек на жешките денови од летото, Pool Bar е вистинската ваша дневна дестинација за освежителни пијалоци и коктели.
Возрасни и деца едвај чекаат да бидат катапултирани во длабината на базените од 11 тобогани, 5 од кои се за најхрабрите. Патувањето трае неколку секунди. Тие емоции кои го забрзуваат вашиот пулс и ве тераат цврсто да ги стегнете забите, ќе посакате да ги доживеете повторно. Вистинскиот импулс на адреналин ќе го почуствувате на жичарница. Дизајнирана за возрасни и деца истата се протега од централната зграда до самото море. Со мотото максимално задоволство за најмладите, децата, и минимален стрес за родителите Sungata спаѓа во Топ хотели за семејства.
Украсени со пастелни бои, собите се просторни,вистински агол за релаксација, минибар со освежителни пијалоци, купатило со хидромасажа, Wi Fi и LED TV . Посетителите во потрага по луксуз имаат опции Terrace Family Room, Lake Villas со пристап директно во базен и Jacuzzi room каде ќе го почуствувате задоволството од базенот со хидромасажа во веранда со поглед на море. Ова последното идеално e за парови.
Ultra All Inclusive третманот ќе го доживеете и со високиот стандарт на квалитетни алкохолни пијалоци автохтони или увезени 24 часа дневно речиси во сите барови како и во диското во склоп на хотелот.За свежи овошни сокови вашата станица нека биде Mixology Bar.Lotus Bar со луксузен амбиент, дневна музика и богато мени на пијалоци е како волшебник кој овозможува времето да лета без да го почуствувате.
Ultra All Inclusive
Домашни и увозни освежителни и алкохолни пијалоци (киосците на плажата, Alara Bar над платформата од плажата, Alara Soho Bar, Fantasy Bar покрај зградата Terrace, Cool Bar)
Пијалоци во дискотека до 03:00
Пити и специјалитети од турската кујна
Ручек во snack bar до 18:00 часот
Сладолед во одредено време
Свеж сок од портокал на сабајле
Некои од рестораните a la carte (мексикански, медитерански, скара-со претходна резервација
Забава во текот на денот
Претстави и спектакли во амфитетар
Музика во живо
Забава на плажа со Ди-Џеј
Натпревари за убавина
Одбојка на плажа
Турска бања
Забавни програми
Мини клуб 2-6, 6-8 и 8-13 години
Јуниор клуб
Ресторан за деца
Посебна храна
Standard Room Land View
2 Возрасни Поаѓање:
Spacious and airy with a view of the Taurus Mountains, all rooms feature a balcony to enjoy sunrise and sunset. Rooms are perfectly appointed to rest in a delightfully serene settings.
Food and beverage
Mini Bar, Coffee/tea making facilities, Free in Room Mineral Water
Full-length mirror, Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Comfort features
Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call
With your own private balcony overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, relax and benefit from both the sunrise and sunset. Spacious, light and airy, unwind after an energetic day at the beach or sightseeing - the perfect choice for accommodation.
Food and beverage
Coffee/tea making facilities, Free in Room Mineral Water, Mini Bar
Full-length mirror, Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Comfort features
Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call
Our comfort rooms in terrace houses offer endless comfort to our guests with their pool, mountain, garden views and features and special design.
Bathroom facilities
Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Comfort features
Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call
Inspired by the unique colors of nature and surrounded by pine forests, our Superior Rooms allow you to feel like you are in nature with their renewed architecture and have a pleasant holiday experience.
Food and beverage
Mini Bar, Coffee/tea making facilities
Full-length mirror, Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Complementary elements
Computer, Radio
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Comfort features
Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call
A strategically placed jacuzzi by the window with the romantic views of the Mediterranean coastline differentiates this suite, providing comfort and peaceful experience.
Food and beverage
Coffee/tea making facilities, Mini Bar
Full-length mirror, Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Comfort features
Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call
Designed with large families in mind, Terrace Family suits a peaceful and quiet holiday experience to families within the pine forest. In the rooms downstairs, a terrace and in the rooms upstairs, a balcony is available.
Food and beverage
Mini Bar, Coffee/tea making facilities
Full-length mirror, Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Comfort features
Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call
Enjoy our Marine Jacuzzi rooms with stylish decoration and a terrace with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea. Marble bathrooms and modern wood floors offer superior comfort.
The renewed modern Marine Suite offers a luxurious life on the Mediterranean coast. It provides superior comfort with its bedroom, living area, transition to the green garden with breathtaking forest view.
Designed with large families in mind, Terrace Family suits a peaceful and quiet holiday experience to families within the pine forest. In the rooms downstairs, a terrace and in the rooms upstairs, a balcony is available.
Food and beverage
Mini Bar, Coffee/tea making facilities
Full-length mirror, Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Comfort features
Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call
With panoramic views of the Mediterranean, the two bedroom Grand Suite features a large terrace with Sea View, ample living space, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. 80 m² of comfort and an oasis of relaxation.
Food and beverage
Free in Room Mineral Water, Mini Bar, Coffee/tea making facilities
Accessible bathroom, Full-length mirror, Bathrobe, Hair dryer in bathroom
Media and technology
Complementary elements
Computer, Radio
Tv facilities
Satellite/cable colour TV, Free movies/video, TV room service ordering, TV with on-screen billing info
Internet facilities
RJ 45 Outlet, Data port in room, High speed internet, RJ 11 Outlet, Optical fiber
Phone facilities
Direct dial telephone, Voice mail
Service and equipment
Comfort features
Turn Down Services, Blackout Facilities, Opening windows, Double Glazing, Shoe polisher, Alarm clock
Electric facilities
220/240 V AC
Accessibility and security
Safe deposit box in room, Sprinkler in room, Emergency info in rooms, Alarm clock, Phone light for hearing impaired, Audible smoke alarms in rooms, Keycard-operated door locks, Dead bolt in rooms, Smoke alarm in room
Working area
Business Desk
Room services
Automatic wake up call, Operator wake up call